Business Solutions Overview

The following are among the specific applications of Omri DPM Solutions to various industries and to the general operations of any business or organization.

These applications are customizations of the root solution offerings of Etopian comprising of Document Conversion, Management, and Workflow.

  • Books of Accounts, Accounting Records
  • BIR Forms 2316/2307
  • Contracts, Cases and Agreements
  • Memoranda, Issuances, Circulars, and Notices
  • Patient's Admission Records

Books of Accounts, Accounting Records

Accounting / Finance

Per BIR Regulations No. 17-2013 ("Preservation of Books of Accounts and Other Accounting Records"), you may not have to keep all your hard copies for the full 10 years of retention. Electronic copies are allowed after five years, as long as requirements for keeping the soft copies are complied with.

Implement an electronic archiving solution that complies with BIR Regulations 17-2013. This will free up your space and costs in keeping your hard copy, and additionally make these documents accessible to everyone who needs them. And from the data that’s captured from these archives, meaningful reports may be generated to aid in the assessment of your finances.

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BIR Forms 2316/2307

Accounting / Finance

The Bureau of Internal Revenue now accepts digital copies of BIR Forms 2316/2307. Implement a solution that allows you to interface with any imaging equipment and produce compliant digital outputs ready for submission to BIR. Then have a structured archive of submitted documents so you can retrieve them easily for future use, and generate reports about your forms submission.

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Contracts, Cases and Agreements

Legal / General Operators

The people comprising each contracting party must be in-line as to the terms and responsibilities laid out in the contract.

To minimize risks and liability, ensure that information relevant to concerned parties is easily accessible to your staff and managers, through keyword-search, so that they know the scope of what they need to do or deliver to the other party. They'll see the electronic replica of the signed hard copy of contracts, so that everyone knows the authenticity of the documents that they are bound to.

Do you have hundreds or even thousands of active contracts? How would you know which ones are about to expire, and which ones have already expired? Let the system assist, by automatically informing you ahead, based on triggers and rules that you have previously set. Did a contract say that a late payment will incur interest? Integrate the solution to your invoicing process so that interests are automatically added to the invoice.

During contract creation, contract drafts will go through several levels of changes and approvals. Is your Division Chief designated to be the second to the last reviewer and approving officer of Insurance Contracts? Mobilize the contract creation process by automatically directing the drafts to the designated person(s) who shall do the reviews, or supply content to key sections of agreements, until such time that the contract is completed for signing.

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Memoranda, Issuances, Circulars, and Notices

Records / Information Management and Dissemination

When the Head or Director of an office releases a memorandum, everyone must know about it and understand its full implications to their daily work. The fast solution is to have the electronic copy of the document reach its intended recipients, based on policies of the organization. For example, a memo intended for HR staff is forwarded only to them, and immediately, upon the memo's release.

Empower your staff to easily retrieve past memos about rules that would interest them. In case they need to check about the company's rules on tardiness, they may just type "penalties for being late" and see how many he can have before he is subjected to disciplinary action. Better yet, have the system inform him ahead how many minutes of tardiness he has left, based on the records of his ins-and-outs.

Did you just release a memo about working during the weekends? Have your employees understand the full implications of this work condition by also "relating" alongside it, your memo released last year, about over-time rates outside of regular working days. Have the system also automatically display alongside it, the regulations from the Department of Labor and Employment, just because it is relevant to your memo.

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Patient's Admission Records


Patients that are admitted to the hospital will require a copy of their admission records upon discharge. The records will also assist their physicians in reviewing their medical history, if the patient is admitted again. If the hardcopy charts are digitized, you'll make this process faster, since you won't need the handling of physical documents. It will also be easy for the new doctor intern who wants to do some research about children with leukemia.

Empower your nurses, doctors, researchers, and records managers by implementing an electronic management and retrieval facility of your patient records. At the same time, integrate the system with your hospital system, since these admissions and patient information are already there, to prevent redundancy of data capture. You can also set restrictions as to who is allowed to view a specific document, and at what specific instances. For example, a nurse should only be able to access the records of patients that are currently in the rooms where the nurse is stationed. Are there high-profile patients that want full confidentiality, and not reveal the fact that they have been admitted there? Expose this information only to his trusted doctor, and nobody else.

Are there doctors that are always delayed in submitting the discharge summaries of his patients, and you want to impose penalties or disciplinary action to these offenders? Let the system monitor the submissions, based on the actual date when the patients were discharged from the hospital. Have you lost some documents before, because a Doctor's secretary has neglected it somewhere? Implement an approval and monitoring system for document borrowing.

With a structured repository of patient records updated immediately upon patient's admission/discharge, generate the required monthly reports required by PhilHealth.

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More Solutions

For Accounting / Finance

Billing Notices and Invoicing
Invoices and Purchase/Sales Orders

For Library Management

Books, Journals, and Periodicals

For Finance / Banking

Loans and Borrowings

For Schools

Students' Transcript of Records

For Human Resources Management

Employees' Vacation and Sick Leaves
Employees' Perpetual Records

For Resources Management

Travels and Vehicle Reservations

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  • Books of Accounts, Accounting Records
  • BIR Forms 2316/2307
  • Contracts, Cases and Agreements
  • Memoranda, Issuances, Circulars, and Notices
  • Patient's Admission Records
  • More Solutions